[20:51] <LB>     AllocConsole();

    HANDLE handle_out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    int hCrt = _open_osfhandle((long) handle_out, _O_TEXT);
    FILE* hf_out = _fdopen(hCrt, "w");
    setvbuf(hf_out, NULL, _IONBF, 1);
    *stdout = *hf_out;

    HANDLE handle_in = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
    hCrt = _open_osfhandle((long) handle_in, _O_TEXT);
    FILE* hf_in = _fdopen(hCrt, "r");
    setvbuf(hf_in, NULL, _IONBF, 128);
    *stdin = *hf_in;
[20:51] <LB> Mathias' code[20:51] <LB> blows my mind[20:51] <Looki> o.o[20:51] <LB> https://github.com/matpow2/anaconda/commit/75def67d796939e18d17f665e3e44cfd0331b4e3#L4R357[20:52] <LB> that code[20:52] <LB> just looks like much to me[20:52] <LB> *mush[20:52] <LB> probably because it's crazy haxalicious C[20:52] <LB> except not hacks[20:53] <LB> but still, it's not something I'd know or udnerstand how to do[20:53] <LB> *understand[20:54] <LB> I still think it sucks that there's not platform independent way to force no automagic console on windows[20:54] <LB> anyway, that's my "get looki to say 'o.o'" for the day[20:54] LB has changed status to: "Extended away", with the message: "LB"